My research is in the intersection of machine learning, biophysics, materials science, and devices. I'm fascinated by the applications of brain-computer interfaces and related technologies to a broad range of problems. We can read from the brain through a variety of methods, but how can we effectively write to the brain, and what does this actually do? As we improve our capabilities in brain stimulation, or neuromodulation, avenues open for applying these advances to long-standing multidisciplinary challenges. These technologies can be used to improve human performance, enhance cognition, provide targeted drug delivery, diagnose, treat a variety of conditions, and more.
My previous work spans artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, signal processing, biophysics, nanomaterials, genetic engineering, molecular biology, bioinformatics, tissue engineering, business analytics, sales, neural engineering, and more.
M.S. Bioengineering, Stevens Institute of Technology
Project Management and Systems Engineering Certificate, NASA
NSF Brains, Minds, & Machines Summer Course, MIT
Graduate Certificate in Business Intelligence & Analytics, Stevens Institute of Technology
B.S. Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University